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Uncovering Cloud Cost Savings Opportunities

Scafell Pike
Sunil Odedra
6 mins read

Improve PHP Projects with Composer Aliases and Forks

Dionisio Fernandez
4 mins read
PHP code

Enhancing Composer with composer-patches and patches-ignore

Dionisio Fernandez
4 mins read
A person navigating through a tablet

Pixel density. Meet the enemy

Luis González
5 mins read
A cloudy view down the West Wall Traverse in the Lake District.

Notes from Chris' developer cabin - 2023 - Week 28

Chris Maiden
6 mins read
Jeff at the Moot Hall with Chris filming in the foreground.

Notes from Chris' developer cabin - 2023 - Week 27

Chris Maiden
2 mins read
Moody, cloudy view from Calf Crag in the Lake District.

Notes from Chris' developer cabin - 2023 - Week 26

Chris Maiden
3 mins read
A lady in a canoe complete with life jacket and paddle.

Notes from Chris' developer cabin - 2023 - Week 24

Chris Maiden
4 mins read
A restaurant in Nîmes.

Away Week 2023

Chris Maiden
4 mins read