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Headless Einstein figure

Headless Drupal versus monolithic

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
6 mins read
Open government

Is a headless CMS right for the public sector?

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
5 mins read
Happy balloons

The Drupal community is ready for Drupal 10 tomorrow!

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
3 mins read
robot and human hands

Insights on Drupal's future

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
5 mins read
Lego characters with a head missing

Is Drupal going fully-headless?

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
4 mins read
Man at desk

Drupal 10 will be here on December 14, 2022!

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
1 min read
"be conscious" written on a bulletin board

Becoming consciously hybrid in the public sector

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
4 mins read

LocalGov Drupal and the cost of living crisis

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
6 mins read
An old keyboard taken apart

How Drupal is leading digital transformation

Maygen: brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian woman
Maygen Jacques
3 mins read