Building a Drupal site on a tight deadline was one of many sites we built for the Greater London Authority. Now it's part of under the same title.
The Greater London Authority commissioned us to create a new website for promoting busking in London.
The site provided information about and for the buskers. Specifically, locations, profiles, and advice about the legality and responsibility.
Venues were shown on a map created with Mapbox and Leaflet.js. Which we prefered over Google Maps where we needed more visual control over the map.
Additionally, the site also supported the annual Gigs competition. A competition for young buskers with the GLA in partnership with Transport for London. It provided many venues and event organisers. It gave young people the chance to perform for thousands. As well as being voted on by a panel of industry experts and the public.
This was a great project for us because it was a challenge. Here, we love coming up with solutions.
We devised the design, information architecture and complex forms. Also, we did it very quickly to meet the Gigs’ deadline. All without compromising any of the quality of service.