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Some essential paradigms:


  • Don’t hack core.

  • Write once, use many.

  • There’s a module for that.

  • Keep calm and clear the caches.

Topics ideas

We can tailor the training according to your skills!

Drupal and the distro at hand


  • Init
  • Start
  • Provision
  • Deploy

Drupal glossary

  • Node
  • Entity
  • Role
  • View
  • Block
  • Taxonomy term
  • Drush

Drupal development workflow

  • Composer > Patches
  • Configuration
  • Git

Front end development

  • Themes
  • Templates
  • Preprocessing
  • Image styles

Module installation


Content types

  • A guide to content types
  • The content types on LocalGov Drupal
  • Revisions
  • Fields
  • Input formats (Basic/full HTML)
  • Paragraphs
  • Workflows


  • Roles
  • Permissions
  • Registration workflows
  • Menus


  • Servers
  • Indexes
  • Entities
  • Fields
  • Processors

Drupal updates

  • Security releases
  • Composer update
  • The update hook

Code Enigma platform

  • Gitlab
  • Git workflows
  • SSH access

Contact us about Drupal distributions and inhouse dev support

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Useful Links to good tutorials to learn about Drupal