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Using LGD as a spring board for your council site

North Devon approached us as we are on the G-Cloud 13 framework, and started with a 30 days trial with LGD demo distro.  This helped them decide that LGD did most things they needed out of the box,  saving both time and money over building from scratch. To mitigate some of their webmaster’s knowledge gaps they hired one of our senior developers for a 2 week sprint to incorporate elements of training whilst working through backlog issues from their product owner.

During the sprint, we discussed the backlog and generated estimates, with the client then selecting and prioritizing the tasks for the sprint. The sprint was intense and productive - benefitting from daily scrums, live chats and screen shares with their webmaster.


We helped with integrating specific extra modules as for example Google analytics, Tag manager, Silktide (testing tool help) or TFA (Two-Factor Authentication).
Our Senior Dev, Phil Norton, contributed with a new module named node rss, which allows an RSS version of a node page to be displayed by appending /rss to the end of the path. This allows external systems to easily parse the page by swapping to the RSS version.

Front End

North Devon wanted help customising landing pages, homepage, header and footer, as well as a full WCAG 2.2 cookie banner.
At the client’s request, we provided advice and training on any dev and deployment tools, as well as deployment workflow.


We also wrote some migration scripts to automatically migrate some elements that were too cumbersome to do manually.

Ongoing support

With our help, within a few months, North Devon went from an effective standing start to launching their site.  Our relationship remained ongoing with 5hrs per month of  “Ask Us Anything” support for break/fix situations,  as well as 1 day planned retainer per month, where the webmaster has a full day with our developer addressing backlog issues.


We also host their UAT/Dev and Prod sites on AWS taking care of backups, networks, alarms etc.

Let's start our project together

Contact us

Everyone is being super helpful when I need it the most!
Code Enigma have been very helpful and considerate into finding solutions for delivering a successful and complicated website migration to LocalGovDrupal. We can easily discuss in brief issues with the specialists in chat, identify which to log tickets for immediate or longer term fixes and have a dedicated day to action these per month.

G.C. - Development Team - Webmaster