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Case Studies
Wellcome Trust Gibbs Building by Hopkins Architects

Wellcome Trust

Rebuilding the Trustnet intranet in Drupal 10

st john's college

St John's College, University of Cambridge

The design, build, infrastructure development and ongoing support of an evolving Drupal website

Welsh flag

Welsh Government

Using a Kubernetes/Amazon EKS solution to reduce testing time from hours to minutes.

A family hugging and smiling

Royal Mencap Society

Building a custom AWS EC2 instance for an online discussion forum built on Discourse.

Yorkshire Dales

North Yorkshire County Council

Improving the speed and security of a local government Drupal 9 website with AWS CloudFront


Croydon Council

Helping the public sector adopt LocalGov Drupal and save costs


Stroke Association

Optimising a charity's Drupal 7 website with AWS CloudFront